Privacy Policy

At TriComm Consulting, we value and protect the privacy of our people and the individuals and organisations that engage with us. Our privacy policy is based on the Australian Privacy Principles (AAP) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s AAP Guidelines.


TriComm Group Pty Ltd trades as TriComm Consulting (“us”, “we” or “our”) to provide independent and expert communications and engagement services to individuals, teams and organisations.


2.1 TriComm Consulting’s Privacy Policy outlines how we handle ‘personal information’ as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 and detailed in section 6(1) of the Act.

2.2 We handle personal information as part of our business and store this information in our systems on behalf of individuals, organisations and website users who provide us with this information.

2.3 Our Privacy Policy applies to:

(a) Information that we collect about individuals, organisations and the people within those organisations, as well as our employees, contractors, sub-contractors and third parties.

(b)  All forms of information, physical and digital, whether collected or stored electronically or in hardcopy.

(c) Any information collected and/or stored about our clients, potential clients and website users, and any information they provide about others.


3.1 As part of our business, it is necessary for TriComm Consulting to collect personal information. This information enables us to identify who an individual is for the purposes of our business, share personal information as required, contact the individual, and transact with them. The type of information we may collect includes:

(a) Personal Information - we may collect details such as an individual’s name, title, date of birth, nationality, work history and other information defined as ‘personal information’ in the Privacy Act that allows us to identify them. This may also include any personal correspondence that an individual sends us, or that is sent to us by others about an organisation.

(b) Contact Information - we may collect information such as an individual's email address, telephone numbers, third-party usernames, residential, business and postal address and other information that enables us to contact the individual.

(c) Financial Information - we may collect financial information related to an individual or organisation such as any bank or credit card details used to transact with us and other information that enables us to deliver or tailor our products and services.

(d) Statistical Information – we may collect information about an individual’s online and offline preferences, habits, movements, trends, decisions, associations, memberships, finances, purchases and other information for statistical purposes, including information an individual sends us. 

3.2 TriComm Consulting may also collect non-personal information about an individual or organisation such as information regarding their computer, network and browser. This may include an IP address. Where non-personal information is collected, the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply.

3.3 Whenever an individual or organisation provides personal information or other information about someone else, it is assumed that the individual or organisation has the person's consent to provide such information for the purpose specified.

3.4 TriComm Consulting may gather, store and use statistical information about individuals or organisations for the purpose of our business such as benchmarking, conducting research or developing products and services. When used externally, this information will not identify individuals and organisations in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


4.1 The information that will be collected generally relates to how an individual or organisation uses our services, engages with us, or an enquiry about TriComm Consulting. We may, however, receive personal information from other sources such as advertising, public records, mailing lists, social media accounts, contractors, staff, recruitment agencies and our business partners. This information may include but is not limited to:

(a) Registrations or subscriptions – when an individual or organisation registers or subscribes for a service, list, account or any other process whereby they enter personal information about themselves or an organisation in order to receive or access something. 

(b) Accounts or memberships - when an individual or organisation submits their details to become a member with us. 

(c) Supply – when an individual or organisation supplies us with goods or services.

(d) Contact – when an individual or organisation contacts us. 

(e) Access – when an individual or organisation accesses our services physically, we may require them to provide us with details to permit them access. When an individual or organisation accesses us through the internet, we may collect information using cookies. If relevant, individuals can adjust their browser’s setting to accept or reject cookies, or analytical services. 

4.2 While there are many circumstances in which we may collect information electronically and physically, where possible, we will ensure that individuals and organisations are informed when their personal information is being collected.

4.3 In the rare event that we obtain personal information without an individual’s knowledge, such as an accidental acquisition from another organisation or client, we will either delete or destroy the information, or inform the individual that we hold such information, in accordance with the Privacy Act.


5.1 TriComm Consulting will not use any personal information other than for the purpose for which it was collected unless an individual or organisation have provided us with consent. The collection of personal information is determined by the circumstances in which the information was collected or submitted.

5.2 We will retain personal information for the period necessary, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

5.3 It may be necessary for us to disclose an individual or organisation’s personal information to a third party in accordance with the Privacy Act in the course of our business.

5.4 TriComm Consulting will not disclose or sell an individual’s or organisation’s personal information to unrelated third parties under any circumstances.

5.5 Information is routinely used to enable us to operate our business, especially as it relates to an individual. This may include the provision of our services, verifying your identity, communicating with an individual about their relationship with us and our services. It also includes our marketing and promotions, competitions, surveys, investigating any complaints about or made by an individual, or if we have reason to suspect that an individual is in breach of any of our terms and conditions, or that an individual is or has been otherwise engaged in any unlawful activity.

5.6 We will, however, disclose personal information if we have grounds to believe that an individual or organisation may be engaged in fraudulent, deceptive or unlawful activity of which a governmental authority should be made aware.

5.7 TriComm Consulting may work with third-party service providers who use and store contact details about individuals and organisations who have engaged with us.

5.8 TriComm Consulting’s financial transactions are handled through our payment services provider Xero. Xero’s privacy policy is available on their website. We will share information with our payment service provider only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing payments, refunding payments and dealing with complaints and queries relating to payments and/or refunds.


6.1 An individual or organisation can opt out of TriComm Consulting collecting their personal information. This may prevent us from offering them some or all of our services and may lead to termination of their access to some or all of the services they receive through us. They will be aware of this when opting out. Where relevant, individuals and organisations have the right to choose what information is collected and/or how they receive information from us.

6.2 If an individual or organisation believes that they have received information from us in error, they should email us at

6.3 Individuals and organisations can unsubscribe from our marketing activity by using the unsubscribe link in our collateral or by emailing


7.1 TriComm Consulting takes all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of an individual or organisation from unauthorised access. This includes appropriately securing our facilities and electronic networks.

7.2 The security of payments made online, and the security of communications sent by electronic means, cannot be guaranteed and is done so at an individual's own risk. TriComm Consulting does not accept responsibility for misuse, loss of, or unauthorised access to, personal information where the security of information is not within our control.

7.3 TriComm Consulting is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of any third party as we rely on their privacy and security measures. This includes third parties to which we are permitted or required to disclose the personal information of an individual or organisation in accordance any relevant laws or this policy. The collection and use of an individual’s information by such third parties may be subject to separate privacy and security policies.

7.4 If an individual or organisation suspects the misuse, loss of, or unauthorised access to, their personal information, they should contact TriComm Consulting immediately by emailing

7.5 TriComm Consulting is not liable for any loss, damage or claim arising out of another person’s use of the personal information when we were authorised to provide that party with the information.


8.1 In accordance with the Privacy Act, individuals and organisations can request that TriComm Consulting provide any personal information that we have about them. These requests must be sent in writing to

8.2 Individuals and organisations have the right to request the removal of any or all personal information that we have about them, and we will remove such information within 28 days of receiving their written request in line with the Privacy Act.

8.3 It is the responsibility of an individual or organisation to provide us with accurate personal information. TriComm Consulting is not liable for the use of any incorrect information that has been provided to us.

8.4 TriComm Consulting can update the personal information of an individual or organisation by emailing their request to


9.1 If an individual or organisation has a complaint about how TriComm Consulting has handled their personal information, they should outline their concerns in writing by emailing

9.2 If we become aware of any unauthorised access to the personal information of an individual or organisation, we will inform them as soon as possible once we have established what was accessed and how it was accessed.


10.1 On occasion, we may send an individual or organisation an important notice, such as changes to our terms, conditions and policies. Due to the nature of this information, individuals and organisations may not opt out of receiving these communications.


11.1 All correspondence with regards to privacy should be sent to


12.1 Should TriComm Consulting make any changes to our Privacy Policy we will post them on our website. 

12.2 In addition to what is stated in our Privacy Policy, we may undertake additional measures in accordance with the Privacy Act.